1. 준비물B형 간염 항체가 없다는 의사 소견 및 간염항체 검사 결과(건강검진 결과서 출력해서 가도 됨)신분증2. 동작구보건소 위치장승배기역 1번 출구쪽에 있던 동작구보건소가 장승배기역 6번 출구 쪽으로 이전함힐스테이트 아파트 공사장 빙 둘러사 가면 나옴3. 접수 대기표 뽑고 민원 신청서 작성(예방접종 체크)4. B형 간염 예방 접종 가격6,650원총 3번 접종이 필요2차 접종은 1차 접종일로부터 1개월 후 가능(최소 4주는 지나야 한다고 함)
[출처] https://docs.streamlit.io/develop/tutorials/multipage/dynamic-navigation Streamlit DocsJoin the community Streamlit is more than just a way to make data apps, it's also a community of creators that share their apps and ideas and help each other make their work better. Please come join us on the community forum. We love to hear your questionsdocs.streamlit.io 1. Intro st.navigation을 사용하면 동적 ..
[출처] https://docs.streamlit.io/develop/tutorials/execution-flow/start-and-stop-fragment-auto-reruns Streamlit DocsJoin the community Streamlit is more than just a way to make data apps, it's also a community of creators that share their apps and ideas and help each other make their work better. Please come join us on the community forum. We love to hear your questionsdocs.streamlit.io1. IntroStr..
[출처] https://docs.streamlit.io/develop/tutorials/execution-flow/create-a-multiple-container-fragment Streamlit DocsJoin the community Streamlit is more than just a way to make data apps, it's also a community of creators that share their apps and ideas and help each other make their work better. Please come join us on the community forum. We love to hear your questionsdocs.streamlit.io1. IntroSt..
[출처] https://docs.streamlit.io/develop/tutorials/execution-flow/trigger-a-full-script-rerun-from-a-fragment Streamlit DocsJoin the community Streamlit is more than just a way to make data apps, it's also a community of creators that share their apps and ideas and help each other make their work better. Please come join us on the community forum. We love to hear your questionsdocs.streamlit.io1. ..
[출처] https://docs.streamlit.io/develop/concepts/design/animate Streamlit DocsJoin the community Streamlit is more than just a way to make data apps, it's also a community of creators that share their apps and ideas and help each other make their work better. Please come join us on the community forum. We love to hear your questionsdocs.streamlit.io차트나 데이터 프레임을 표시하고 앱이 실행되는 동안 실시간으로 수정하려는 경우가 있습니..
[출처] https://docs.streamlit.io/develop/concepts/multipage-apps/widgets Streamlit DocsJoin the community Streamlit is more than just a way to make data apps, it's also a community of creators that share their apps and ideas and help each other make their work better. Please come join us on the community forum. We love to hear your questionsdocs.streamlit.io스트림릿 앱에서 위젯을 생성하면 스트림릿은 위젯 ID를 생성하고 이를 사..
[출처] https://docs.streamlit.io/develop/concepts/multipage-apps/pages-directory Streamlit DocsJoin the community Streamlit is more than just a way to make data apps, it's also a community of creators that share their apps and ideas and help each other make their work better. Please come join us on the community forum. We love to hear your questionsdocs.streamlit.io다중 페이지 앱을 선언하는 가장 사용자 정의 가능한 방법은..
[출처] https://docs.streamlit.io/develop/concepts/multipage-apps/page-and-navigation Streamlit DocsJoin the community Streamlit is more than just a way to make data apps, it's also a community of creators that share their apps and ideas and help each other make their work better. Please come join us on the community forum. We love to hear your questionsdocs.streamlit.iost.Page 및 st.navigation은 다중 ..